Solas Training Manual Contents


SOLAS - International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - Document History. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea - Articles of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 Articles of the International Convention for the Safety of Life. SOLAS Chapter III requires that all ships should be provided with a SOLAS Training Manual / Safety Training Manual detailing all training on the safety aspects of the ship. Scope of this plan is to provide guidance on the use of all the lifesaving appliances onboard.

Solas Training Manual Contents

SOLAS TRAINING MANUAL (Lifesaving Appliances & Survival Techniques) Year: Language: english Author: Genre: Manual Publisher: l.C. Brindle & Co. Edition: 2 ISBN: 978-1-905195-16-9 Format: PDF Quality: Scanned pages Pages count: 197 Description: This Training Manual is suitable for use on board vessels of various types engaged on international voyages and on vessels that operate within their own domestic confines but which carry lifeboats. The document fully complies with Regulation 35 of the 1996 amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974. Which requires that SOLAS vossols carry such a Manual, and with the requirements relating to European domestic vessels and various UK Codes of Practice.

Solas Training Manual Contents Collaboration

The purpose of the Manual is to provide all members of the crew with information about lifesaving appliances and survival techniques, and the meaning of the ship's alarms Whilst every effort has been made to provide up-to-date information the reader must be aware that regulations and performance standards are frequently upgraded, and that continuous research into survival medicine and equipment advances mean that the data provided should be cross checked with other current sources. The Manual should be read in conjunction with the ship owner's and captain's Standing Orders, and interpreted as applicable for individual vessels. This may be particular y important when considering the evacuation procedure and survival craft arrangements in high sided vessels, passenger vessels, ships with special design features and vessels with limited crews.

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Solas Training Manual Contents Page

Where reference is made to statutory and SOLAS requirements only the broad, general requirement has been stated. The detail relating to an individual vessel may vary depending on the flag authority and the age and type of vessel. This Manual may be used as a framework and reference source for those oersonnei whose duty it is to give instruction to others of the vessel s company in the purpose and use of l fesavmg equipment; the procedures for abandonment; and the best methods ot survival. Additionally, it is intended as a reference source for all personnel and a copy a should be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room in order that there is ready access to the contents. ContentsSECTION SUBJECT PAGE 1 Emergency Response 1 Muster Lists & Emergency Instructions 3 Musters.